Uninstalled prog continues to open in start up



Using the Add/Remove programmes I removed a programme called Pixpo (for
sharing photos) but the Pixpo screen still opens whenever I start up my PC.
It does not appear in my list of programmes or in start up. How do I get rid
of it totally?

Joe Wright

Redfingers said:
Using the Add/Remove programmes I removed a programme called Pixpo (for
sharing photos) but the Pixpo screen still opens whenever I start up my PC.
It does not appear in my list of programmes or in start up. How do I get rid
of it totally?

Click Start, Run, type REGEDIT, click OK. Press the Home button, press
F3, type PIXPO, press Enter. When found, delete the entry (Press the
Delete key.), press F3 to continue the search.

Joe Wright

Joe said:
Click Start, Run, type REGEDIT, click OK. Press the Home button, press
F3, type PIXPO, press Enter. When found, delete the entry (Press the
Delete key.), press F3 to continue the search.

Whoops! Look at any entry to see if it refers to Pixpo before deleting.
I just tried that in my registry and it found Pixpox.com, so other
hits are possible.


Thanks Jo, but meanwhile I found it in My Programmes folder. One of the files
is called Pixpo.exe so I tried to delete it but I got the message: "Cannot
delete Pixpo, access is denied. Make sure the disc is not full or
write-protected and that the file is not currently in use".
(I have closed down the screen that opens in start up).
Should I still do what you suggest?

Joe Wright

Redfingers said:
Thanks Jo, but meanwhile I found it in My Programmes folder. One of the files
is called Pixpo.exe so I tried to delete it but I got the message: "Cannot
delete Pixpo, access is denied. Make sure the disc is not full or
write-protected and that the file is not currently in use".
(I have closed down the screen that opens in start up).
Should I still do what you suggest?

Once you close down the program using taskmanager, you should be able to
delete it. Then Windows might complain that it couldn't find the
program to run; I'm not sure from what registry areas that actually
happens. If you remove it from the registry, or wherever the run
command is stored, the next time you reboot, even though it's still on
the hd, it shouldn't run.


Try this:

Redfingers said:
Thanks Jo, but meanwhile I found it in My Programmes folder. One of the
is called Pixpo.exe so I tried to delete it but I got the message: "Cannot
delete Pixpo, access is denied. Make sure the disc is not full or
write-protected and that the file is not currently in use".
(I have closed down the screen that opens in start up).
Should I still do what you suggest?


Dear Joe,
In the end I did follow your initial instructions. (Some of the files were
also in a directory with a slightly different name which I also deleted
because it contained some files called Pixpo. Hope that was OK?).
Then I went back into my Programmes directory and found the files were all
there as before. However THIS time when I tried to delete they DID delete
and I no longer got the error message telling me I couldn't delete! When I
next rebooted the Pixpo automatic opening screen didn't happen so can I
assume it's now all wiped out?
By the way, have you ever heard of the Pixpo programme?
Thanks so much for your help and also to Kayman.

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