Uninstall that little screensaver control from snapfiles



I cannot find the program anywhere in my computer to uninstall it. I checked
the registry as best I could. The web site was of no help. I'm trying to rid
my computer of any unneeded programs due to slow start up with XP SP2. Does
anyone have any ideas? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

George Hester

Try doing Start | Run | msconfig | OK | Startup tab. Think you can give us
a list of what is showing as checked? Ignore IMJPMIG, TINTSETP and ctfmon.
Those are OK if you have them.


I'm fairly certain the guilty party in the start up tab is:C:\Windows\FSScrC...
I know I can uncheck the box to disable it at start up, but I'd really like
it to vanish completely. Is that possible?



George Hester

Yes. It is probably being called in one of your Run keys in the registry.
All you need do is remove it from there. But first try unchecking it and
rebooting and tell us if your issues cease. If they do then go ahead and
remove its call:

Start | Run | regedit | OK

Navigate to and select:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and

In these on the right-hand side you should find FSScrC... (sorry you didn't
give me the full name of the file). Back up the specific key first
(Registry | Export Registry File... | (name it and drop-down to save to a
location you'll remember) Save. Then select the entry on the right |
right-click | delete. Then reboot.

This is assuming the call is in the registry. It might also be in the Start
up folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\%profile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. Look in
both your logon profile and the All Users profile. Remove it if there.

Lastly it might be called in Win.ini. Check that by Start | Run | sysedit |
OK | Window | C:\Windows\WIN.INI and look for the call in there. Probably
at the very bottom. Highlight it and hit Delete. Then save the file, exit
out and reboot.

If the call is not in any of the above let me know.

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