Unhandled exception of type System.StackOverflowException occurred in mscorlib.dll


Nikhil Khade


After around 3 months, I reopened a old VB.NET solutions which used to work
(and build) without any errors. Just to test it again, I build it again and
it completed, without any errors, but then immediately started showing me
the message "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException'
occurred in mscorlib.dll" at InitializeComponent() with all lines containing
Image load or default icon, like the following:

Me.picLoginProgress.Image =
CType(resources.GetObject("picLoginProgress.Image"), System.Drawing.Image)
Me.picLogin.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("picLogin.Image"),
Me.Icon = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"), System.Drawing.Icon)

The solution contains several projects and all the other work properly when
compiled individually. Any ideas why this would be occurring only in one

Nikhil Khade

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