Undesried files on computer (getting rid of them)



2 questions:
1. I have a file on my computer in a directory
called "Clear Search" which I believe was spyware. The
file, a IE_CLRSCH dll file, can not be deleted by any
means I know. I dont think it is truly a part of IE.
Any advice on how to remove it?
2. In the Shared Files directory, there is a updmgr.exe.
I dont think it is a part of windows update, but a spy
program with a name to fool someone into thinking it is,
so that it will not be deleted. I wish to know if this
is a windows update file, or indeed spyware. (Norton
indicates this program is a potention security risk).

Steve Allison

Attempt #1:

The DLL may load with Explorer, therefore you need to have
explorer closed to delete it. I assume your using Windows XP.
1. Start -> Run -> "cmd"
2. ctrl+shift+esc -> Processes tab -> select Explorer and
choose End Task.
3. Using the command window you just opened, navigate to
correct drive and "Clear Search" directory using
cd\directory\clear search
4. del ie_clrsch.dll
5. in task manager (ctrl+shift+esc), file -> run -> explorer

Attempt #2
1. Reboot, and press F8 on startup to get the startup
options menu
2. Choose Run Command Prompt Only
3. Repeat same steps as above to delete file
4. Reboot as normal.

Attempt #3
1. Reboot and have the CD-ROM as the first bootable device
2. Insert and boot from WinXP CD
3. Run the Recovery Console and delete the file.

Hope any of that helps.


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