Unable to write emails



I am unable to write emails. I can retreive, but not write out. Below is the
message is the error I receive. Can anyone help?

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: 'Aide Ur
Lawn Mail', Server: 'mail.aideurlawn.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Patrick Keenan

AmeriCEO said:
I am unable to write emails. I can retreive, but not write out. Below is
message is the error I receive. Can anyone help?

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: 'Aide Ur
Lawn Mail', Server: 'mail.aideurlawn.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

The port setting is probably incorrect, unless "aideurlawn" is your ISP.
Very few ISPs allow access to mail servers other than their own on Port 25.

You need to get the correct settings from your mail provider, and enter them
carefully and exactly.


Gary VanderMolen

Aideurlawn.com is not your ISP. As such, your home ISP will block
your use of any port 25 SMTP server other than their own.
For an explanation of this policy, see

To send from home, you will have to substitute your home ISP's
SMTP server. If you need help with that, let us know who your
home ISP is.

Gary VanderMolen

Just what is "this problem"?
Please detail the problem and include a complete copy of any error messages.

Patrick Keenan

"(e-mail address removed)"
This problem started on Sunday 25th January without any logical reason.

The reason may be entirely logical. It may simply be that you haven't
determined or understood what has changed.

Again, it is very unusual for any ISP to allow SMPTP access on Port25 to any
mail server other than their own.

It appears that you have purchased a variety of domain services which
include a mail server and email addresses from a 3rd party. These normally
specify an SMTP port that isn't 25, such as port 587, and this is necessary
because the ISP who provides you the basic connection blocks Port 25.

You should contact the mail provider - your hosting company, likely - for
the *correct* settings.


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