Unable to view company network



I'm accessing VPN connection from home to my office location. I have Windows
XP PRO SP2 and a DSL connection through SBC. For some reason when I connect
to my VPN, I'm unable to browse our company's domain network via network
neighborhood or explorer all I see is my computer in the network. My laptop
was recently joined into our company's domain and had migrated by our IT

Before migration, I was able to browse our network and see certain
servers/machines I wanted to access. I was wondering is there a way to change
a setting in my pc that enables me to see all machines/servers in the network
neighborhood? Funny thing is I'm able to access particular server by going to
Start/Run then typing th whole path. Netbios in both VPN servers and my
computer are enabled over TCP/IP. Please advise. Thanks! Delbert


HAve you tried checking on the following:

Verify that the PC that runs the VPN Client gets the correct WINS and Domain
Name System (DNS) information.

To see this information, go to Start > Run and type winipcfg (on Windows 9x
machines) or ipconfig /all (on Windows NT, 2000, and XP machines).

Your VPN server must passed down the DNS/Wins address inorder for the
browsing to work. If it does not, you can consider adding your company DNS
into your VPN connection TCP/IP Properties.

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