Unable to Uninstall Program



I would like to uninstall a program I downloaded on my
computer, but unfortunately, I am unable to do so. I have
tried uninstalling it using both the programs own
Uninstall file and the Add/Remove in my Control Panel.
When I try to uninstall or remove it I receive a message
stating that before this program can be uninstalled I must
Exit from the Program and close any of it's applicants
which are running. Only prob w/ doing that is, I have no
icon in my taskbar for it nor does it show when I pull up
my Task Manager.

How can I go about removing this program (without having
to download another one in order to do so) and/or how do I
go about closing, exiting or turning off this stupid thing?

I would greatly appreciate any time and effort made
towards helping me resolve this issue. And Thank You Very

Nathan McNulty

Click Control+Alt+Delete, click the processes tab, then click on the
application's name, and click End Task. If you don't know the specific
name of the application, just start picking them and killing them until
it works. Make sure you don't have anything open you want to keep (so
save all your data before you start killing applications). Just don't
kill any SVCHOST processes as that will shut down your computer on you.
Also would be a good idea to disconnect from the internet before you
start doing this as well.

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