Unable to turn on Windows Defender in Security Center



I'm having some issues with the Malware Protection in the Security Center.

First, any of the anti-virus programs I've installed are detected by the SC.
Neither the EZ anti-virus nor the AVAST are detected. Both states that are
Windows Vista Beta 2 Ready. But they don't work for me.

And finally, I can't turn on Windows Defender in the Security Center. When I
try to activate it, he searches for any available update. Once he detects he
is up to date, a warning message window pops-up and there's no way to turn it

Because of these two issues, I'm continuosly getting alerts from the
Security Center. And I know that both programs are up and running.

Any idea? Thanks in advance

Rusty H

I have the same issue. When Vista was initially loaded, both the AVAST and
Windows Defender were detected and worked normally in Security Center.
About two days later, after a reboot, I got same issue as you with the
Security Center. I reported the problem to MS (Feedback, MS Beta Client)
and I would ask that you do the same as it may help them troubleshoot the


I am also having the same problem. The Security Center recoginizes Trend
Micro but doesn't recognize Windows Defender and reports it as "off".
According to the Task Manager Windows Defender is running (MSASCui.exe).


Same problem here. Just started in the last few days. I first noticed that
Defender seemed to be having trouble updating definitions, then I started
getting SC alerts that Defender was not on, and than I had no virus software.
Defender does appear to be on and I've used Trend Micros Vista Beta since I
installed Vista. Something has changed.


Same problem for me - initially OK, then reports Defender not working and
looks for update - let's hope MS resolve this one!

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