Unable to send email via website account



I have an email problem which I hope someone can advise me about.

My system is:-
Windows 2000 Professional (SP2 installed)
Outlook 2003
ADSL Modem (Billion) with hardware firewall
Symantec Antivirus Corporate edition
Symantec Client Firewall

I have a website and use several accounts I have set up to send email
through the site. The emails are sent/accessed from Outlook via my ISP
POP3 and SMTP.
Until last week this all worked perfectly though sending via a website
account was quite slow. Now I can;t send using a website account,
though I still receive normally. My private email accounts still work
normally both sending and receiving.
If I use the test facility in Email Account Setup in Outlook both
incoming and outgoing servers are found immediatley but the "Sending
Test Message" fails after a long delay. the error message is "Server
found but no response from server etc"
I've tried many things to fix this, including:-
Extending the server time-out time as high as 8 mins.
Turning off antivirus and the Symantec firewall.
Tried alternative settings for SSL, Authentication etc.
Used the website mail auto-configuration to set up my Outlook settings.
None of these things made any difference.

Can anyone help? Any usefull suggestions are greatly appreciated.

neo [mvp outlook]

A minimum of SP3 for Windows 2000 is required to support Office/Outlook

Outside of that, the "test" button in Outlook 2003 doesn't use the same code
as a true send. Advise that you apply Office 2003 SP2 to your Outlook 2003
install and try again as there are quite a few fixes surrounding the sending
of messages.

Last but not least, you might want to check with your ISP to see if they
will allow SMTP (port 25) traffic from your come computer to mail servers
not ran by them. Reason that I suggest this is that more and more ISPs are
starting to block port 25. This force the home user to use their e-mail
servers for all messages. If they do block, then you need to check to see
if your non-isp servers will accept a connection from you home computer on
an alternate SMTP port (e.g. port 465 or 587).


Apologies - It was Office 2003 that I applied SP2 to, not Windows 2000
as I indicated earlier. I did that after these problems started in the
hope that it might fix them, but it didn't.

I have asked my ISP if I'm using the correct port (25) and they said
yes, but I didn't specifically ask about access through there to third
party servers. It's occured to me that this unexplained change to my
email service coincides with my ISP advertising better security and
trying to sell me a virus checking facility on their server...

When I asked them if anything had changed they said no. So it's not
their fault. Is it?

The only other thing I can think of is the modem which has a firewall.
Any potential problems there? Can't see why it would change on it;s own
though. Everything has worked fine for the six months I've been using

Thanks for your esponse Neo.

neo [mvp outlook]

no on the firewall for the modem. is your adsl connection a ppoe type


Hi Neo,

I'm not sure what a ppoe account is(?) Do you mean pop3? I access my
email at my ISP by pop3/smtp if that's any help.

I think I'll have another talk with them and see if they are blocking
access to third party servers thriough their Port 25. Failing that I've
run out of ideas.

neo [mvp outlook]

PPoE means that you have to start some program and supply a user id/password
before you can surf the net. (Better description for it... its like dialup
but done over a broadband connection.)

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