Unable to resume from suspend?


Adam Clauss

OK, I've just recently decided to try out putting my computer in suspend
mode when I'm not using it. My motherboard supports the suspend to ram
option, and that is selected in the BIOS.

Now, when I go to start/shutdown and select Suspend, everything seems to go
well. I get a message "preparing to suspend" (or something like that - in
place of the normal shutdown messages) and then everything seems to switch
off - and I mean EVERYTHING. No fans, no harddrive, no lights on the front
of the computer - NOTHING. Is that correct?

The next problem is - I can't seem to get it to come back to life after
that. No keyboard buttons seem to do anything (tried pretty much EVERY
button on the keyboard I think, starting with space, enter, esc, ctrl,

Pressing the power button on the front turns it back on - but nothing ever
happens. No nothing, just a black screen.
Resetting at this point doesn't help. I have to completely turn it off
again (with the power button) before it will boot up. But at this point, of
course, it isn't resuming from suspend, it's just booting up normally.

What am I doing wrong in this process?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Adam,

While the system BIOS may support it, something else on your system doesn't.
The "suspend to ram" option is also known as hibernate, and the effect it
has is correct (everything should shut down). Power management on a desktop
is a finicky thing. First off, PM in the system BIOS and in Windows often
conflict, it is best to disable one or the other.

What you may need to do is check for updated drivers for all of your
hardware, the "out of the box" drivers are often old, and devices that have
WinXP-supplied drivers generally are basic versions that allow the device to
work, but do not provide for full functionality.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Adam Clauss

Heh... I've run into some other technical problems and trust me - every
driver, program, etc is updated on this thing.

Messed around with it again - it looks like if I hit the power button within
a few seconds of it turning off, it DOES resume, no problem.

However... if I wait any longer than that it just kinda sits there with no
video activity (monitor stays in standby mode).

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Adam,

Then the solution may simply be to not use that level of standby. As I
mentioned, it doesn't always work, and you may not be able to find
compatible drivers (sometimes reverting to older versions can help).

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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