Unable to open Data Base on other machines



The computer we had our access 2003 database files on is
outdated and we have recently upgraded to new machines.
We transfered the access database files to the new
computer, but now we are getting an error that states the
path is invaild whenever we try to access the Database
file. We use to have the file stored on one computer and
then shared it to the computers on the network. We would
create a network drive on all the machines that needed to
access the file. Now the only way we can access the
database is to have the old computer back on the network
and the folders maped as the network drive again.

Is there anyway around this?


try copying the database on the same drive, directory and

also consider the computer name (it its the same as the
old one, then there should be no problem

but you can easily modify the mapping on each workstation
accessing the database to the new

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