Unable to exit MS Outlook



if i try to exit the MS Outlook application, the application remains
minimized at the task bar but it doesnot exit fully. to exit fully i have to
go to task manager and i have select the outlook application task and i have
to give "end task".This problem occurs frequently as soon as i exit the
Outlook application Please give me your suggestions.........

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

vijays said:
if i try to exit the MS Outlook application, the application remains
minimized at the task bar but it doesnot exit fully. to exit fully i
have to go to task manager and i have select the outlook application
task and i have to give "end task".This problem occurs frequently as
soon as i exit the Outlook application Please give me your

Use File | Exit to close Outlook - and if outlook.exe is still running in
task manager after that, it's likely because of an add-in you've got loaded
(handheld sync software, for example).
Outlook questions are best directed to microsoft.public.outlook.

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