Unable to download anything



Dear firends,
I am using IE6 since it was intorduced. Presently it is giving a typical
problem. I can't download anything. Say forms, piece of softwares etc. The
dialog box opens asking for a option to either 'RUN' or 'SAVE' apart from
'CANCEL'. I have tried both 'RUN' and 'SAVE' option. I have unchecked the
button 'Close this box when download finishes'. The software/form download
completes, but the dialog box closes. Surprisingly the software/form is not
found in the destination place. Interestingly I find recently a window pops
up sometimes, trying to open a url "http://highbeam.com/". I don't know is
there any relevency is there or not with this issue.
I have run my 'AVG Home edition' throughly but neither any virus/worm nor
any trojan horse found. I have scanned the entire HDD with Spybot, AdAware
and Zone Alarm antispyware. But they also could not find any spyware.
I am now alternately using Firefox to overcome the issue, but the problem
is, a lot of websites are not compitable with Firefox.
Can anybody help me out!
Warm Regards to all of you



I get the same problem too, it happen since couple month ago. I can't
download anything from Internet thru IE6. When I click download, the
dialog box pop up and allow me to chose SAVE or RUN, when I click SAVE,
it prompt me to chose the location. After I select the location for
the file and click OK, nothing happen. The dialog box just show file
downloading but no bytes actuallly transfer.
Could anyone please help.


Charlie said:
Dear firends,
I am using IE6 since it was intorduced. Presently it is giving a typical
problem. I can't download anything. Say forms, piece of softwares etc. The
dialog box opens asking for a option to either 'RUN' or 'SAVE' apart from
'CANCEL'. I have tried both 'RUN' and 'SAVE' option. I have unchecked the
button 'Close this box when download finishes'. The software/form download
completes, but the dialog box closes. Surprisingly the software/form is not
found in the destination place. Interestingly I find recently a window pops
up sometimes, trying to open a url "http://highbeam.com/". I don't know is
there any relevency is there or not with this issue.
I have run my 'AVG Home edition' throughly but neither any virus/worm nor
any trojan horse found. I have scanned the entire HDD with Spybot, AdAware
and Zone Alarm antispyware. But they also could not find any spyware.
I am now alternately using Firefox to overcome the issue, but the problem
is, a lot of websites are not compitable with Firefox.
Can anybody help me out!
Warm Regards to all of you



Hi Charlie, ..this posting with this site is totally new to me,..but I just
wanted to say that my IE6 is so goofed up, that when I try to download
something,..that "no dialogh box opens",..like it use to for me to click
'Run' or 'Save'. Instead it downloads to my pc, but to where?..I cant find
anywhere. And like on some sites for downloading something,..it gives an
alterative thing saying "If your download doesn't start emidiatly click
here",..and it does the same, no dialog bx, nothing, and yet it downloads it
somewhere to my pc, and I cant find it anywhere,..not in a downloads folder
or anywhere to be found. So, All I know to do, is wait for a newer version of
IE to come out , which I hear will be soon, then try to get this IE6 wiped
off here and get a new one. It's funny Charlie, that this problem I have
doesn't happen, when I use my Neoplanet browser. But I would rather have an
IE browser that works. Seems to me that Microsoft would offer tech support
for free, as rich as Bill Gates is already, so that we could get our problems
fixed easily. But, it's just like God's word says,..that men would be lovers
of money , raather than lovers of God...not to sound like a preacher,..but
it's just a plain factual truth. lol
How can we get help other wise with our problems? These message bourds are
not offering me any help. They're just a way for us people that need help, to
complain. :) your friend, JoJo :)


It is better to use Firefox. It is robust, difficult to be infected with
spyware/virus/trojan horses. But the cons are, it is heavy on system and some
of the pages are not compitable with Firefox. You can alternatively try Opera
(don't try 9 it is in beta stage and may crash anything). It is also good and
now a days free.

Best of luck and warm regards



Thanks for your idea/opinion. Mr Gates is not at all interested about what
his customers are feeling. But I could not understand that this Windows XP
Pro came with a warranry. Now as it is not working properly, who from
Microsoft can help us out, what could be the Call Centre Number or what is
the e-mail to report the problem. I could not find any address in the
website. Do you know anything, so that I can catch hold of that person.
However, as I have advised to Jassmine, use Firefox or Opera 8 to get rid of
download problem. Let us find some solution.

Best of luck and warm regards.



One thing I found it strange is that I can use the same machine to
download file when I connect using my wireless LAN card. But when I
use phone line(56K) to connect to internet, I get the download problem.
I use another machine to try the same thing, I can download file when
it connect to boardband, with no changing in configure, I can't
download file when connect back to 56K. I wonder it have something to
do with the ISP connection?

I do not have boardband connection at home so have to use 56K
connection, so I must find out the solution.

Charlie 寫é“:



I'm having the same problem as you all. I have WindowsXP sp2 with IE6 sp2.
I used to have DSL with no problems, but I switched to broadband and started
experiencing problems when downloading. As you all, the dialog box opens
asking to 'save' 'open' but when I click 'save' it asks me where to save it,
the bar runs (really fast) and then closes (the close when finish box is
unchecked), it then asks me if I want run or cancel the program, I click run
but nothing happens (the box closes). I read somewhere browsing the internet
where a guy has the same problem. After looking for a solution it turns out
that it was his broadband connection in conjunction with the IE6 settings.
He had to go with IE5 or IE5.5 to make it work.

I don't know if this has anything to do with this problem but I don't want
to uninstall IE6 (besides with the sp2 installed it does not show in
Add/Remove Programs for you to uninstall) it seems that this is more
complicated than anything. Apparently I will have to uninstall the Windows
Xp sp2 in order for internet explorer to show in the Add/Remove list so that
I can uninstall it and then reinstall the Windows XP sp2 (according to
microsoft) all because I cannot install a prior version of IE because it does
recognize that I have a newer version.

Also, it works well with my laptop, probably because as Jessamine says, it's
working through the wireless router, could this be it? Should Microsoft help
us with this? Or should we contact our ISP? Please any help will be
appreciated. We all can use another browser but what happens when you need
to download programs which are not compatible with any other browser. For
example, Microsoft, McAfee, etc. By using another browser I don't think this
solves anything.



Charlie, Jessamine, JoJo or Mariett - did any of you find a solution to the
download issue? I am now having this same problem and was recommended to me
to reload Windows XP, ouch.

I hvae tried to save to various types of drives, i.e., flash and DVD to
capture the download and the file disappears after the download. Any help
would be appreciated.


Hi all,

I don't know what else to tell you. I have not posted ever since because
out of nothing (miracle) it started working again. Now, before this self-fix
CLEANUP, after the disk cleanup I marked Internet Explorer to be removed
(this was the only way to get it removed since it was not showing on
Add/Remove Programs) and then I reinstalled it. I don't know if this is what
made it to work again but you can try it. Also, I tried Opera browser for a
while. It worked for some windows downloads but not for McAfee, for example.
Other than that I can't tell you more. Have you tried downloading IE7?
Since it is still in Beta ed. you might want to give it a try. Hope it works
for you all as well as it worked for me.



Charlie - I have looked at all of the threads and there does not seem to be
solution. Have you found one? I am now experiencing the same problem and
have a question into the techs at Microsoft. They are charging me $35 for
the opportunity to have them tell me what is wrong with their software. If I
do get a solution from them that actually works i will inform you. If you
have any info can you forward to me. Thanks for any help.


I suddenly lost the ablity to download anything. I'm running ME; IE 6; have
Comcast cable internet. I never had this issue before. When I attempt to
download, I get the traditionl "run/save" window. After a short period, I get
the message..."IE cannot download...(file name). IE was not able to open this
internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found.
Please try again later." I have yet to do disk cleanup then remove IE, but I
am seeking any help that you can provide. I have run out of options. Thanks.


Well, I am currently working with the Microsoft experts and I have them at a
lost. I have been told a number of different steps and none have worked as
of yet. I will be willing to share their advise to date but will need to
wait until tonight to send. If you are interested in receiving the info, my
email address is (e-mail address removed), please send me a message requesting. I
would ask that you do not forward my address to anyone else.

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