Unable to delete sent e-mails



I received the following error message. Would appreciate
any help. Thanks.

Your folder could not be deleted:the IMAP server
refused to delete it. If the folder no longer exists,
you should refresh your folder list for this IMAP server.

DELETE "Sent Items" Failed. Protected mailbox

Gary VanderMolen

Why don't you want a Sent Items folder? Perhaps your mail provider
insists on it. Have you tried deleting it via webmail access?


I am sorry. I do want the folder . I am trying to delete items in
my deleted items folder . When I click on EDIT. My deleted items folder
will not let me click on it. Yesterday I switched my account to imap.
Please bear with me Gary. I am not computer literate. Thanks .

Gary VanderMolen

Unfortunately I am not acquainted with the finer points of IMAP mail.

The error message makes it sound as though you were trying to delete
the Deleted Items folder.

Which mail provider is it, Gmail, AOL, or something else?
Perhaps someone else here has a clue.


It is the dreaded AOL. As soon as I switched from POP3
to IMAP this problem started.

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