Unable to delete messages from outlook



On upgrading to a new PC I brought my old messages from outlook to outlook on
my new PC however I am unable to delete messages prior to the date of
transfer, new messages can be deleted


Somebody else did it for me so not sure. pst data file has read only
unchecked, how can I check?


I would guess that if the read only box is unchecked then it's not a read
only file. Have you tried to run the repair tool against your PST? Do a
search for scanpst.exe, double-click it, and follow the directions to scan
the PST file for errors. You may have to run it several times.

Brian Tillman

Mike H said:
Somebody else did it for me so not sure. pst data file has read only
unchecked, how can I check?

In Windows Explorer, right-click the file and choose Properties. The
read-only option will be there.


Have run the repair tool, found errors and repaired but still unable to
delete old mails pre transfer!!

Brian Tillman

Mike H said:
Tried running many times since errors repaired still unable to delete
old mails!!

Since everything you've tried so far appears to have failed, there's one
method that will probably work, although it could be somewhat tedious.

Create a new PST, make it the delivery location, then copy to it everythying
you want to keep, leaving, of couse, everything you don't want to keep in
the old PST. When you're done, close the old PST so Outlook no longer knows
about it. Exactly how to perform these steps is Outlook version-specific
and I don't see where you mentioned that information.

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