unable to connect to Exchange Server via Outlook 2003


Mike Edwards

I upgraded to Outlook 2003 from Outlook 2000 and can no
longer connect to my office Exchange Server (through a
VPN). I get a message that the server is unavailable and
an error number: 0x8004011D. Everything was working just
fine via Outlook 2000. Note: I've seen similar posts and
the suggested action was to create a new mail profile.
However, I can't "Check Names" for the new profile until
I'm successfully connected via Outlook (a Catch 22). Any
suggestions? Thanks! - Mike


I am having the same problem except I don't have a Microsoft Exchange Server. I need to connect via a POP3 server but I can't go in on Outlook and change the server settings because Outlook won't even open. I get the "cannot connect to Microsoft Exchange Server" message every time. Any help is much appreciated.

Jason K

It's possible that you exchange admin has locked out certain versions of
Outlook. Check with them to see what versions are allowed to connect. You
can also narrow it down to a connectivity issue by trying to ping your
exchange server.

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