Unable to co0nnect to server??



I am trying to connect to secnews.netscape.com using Outlook Express. I
get the message:

Unable to connect to server secnews.netscape.com (other info: NNTP, port
563, secure=1, code +800ccc0e.

A regular user of this newsgroup has no trouble connecting and neither
did I before I switched to my new computer and Windows XP.

My configuration is Sony laptop wireless to Linksys router to Road
Runner. Windows firewall is shut off, I have tried it with Norton
firewall on and off.

I have tried the same connection from Mozilla on this computer with the
same results.

Does anyone have an ideas about what is wrong?


Will Hoenig

Use Road Runner's news server:
(Mine is news-server.austin.rr.com, it really doesn't matter what area's
news server you use).
If that doesn't work, that may have something to do with the secure=1
setting. Try turning off SSL.

David Candy

Why are you connecting to port 563. I connect no problems to the default port (119) secure or not.


David said:
Why are you connecting to port 563. I connect no problems to the default port (119) secure or not.
When I select security, it plugs in the 563. It doesn't work at 119.


Will said:
Use Road Runner's news server:

I do that for many news groups, but it doesn't have the Mozilla ones I
am looking for.

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