Unable to access any Programming capability



I am using Excel 2007, and have previously written, and used. several
macro's on this machine. Recently, however, the 'Visual Basic', 'Record
Macro' etc icons have been grayed out, and I am unable to access the
"programmin" portion of Excel.

I have searched the machine and there is no Personal.xls(b) files on it at
all, I have uninstalled and re-installed Excel, but the problem is still

Any idea's ??


I am using Excel 2007, and have previously written, and used. several
macro's on this machine. Recently, however, the 'Visual Basic', 'Record
Macro' etc icons have been grayed out, and I am unable to access the
"programmin" portion of Excel.

I have searched the machine and there is no Personal.xls(b) files on it at
all, I have uninstalled and re-installed Excel, but the problem is still

Any idea's ??

I lost my Personal Workbook (Excel 2003). Ron De Bruin was kind
enough to send me the solution. He also included the fix for 2007.
Thread below:


For Excel 2007 users

Office button>Excel Options..Add-ins
In the "Manage:" dropdown (bottom of the dialog)
Choose "Disabled Items


Regards Ron de Bruin

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SteveM said:
I posted the question below and received the solution from Ron de
Bruin. This is an FYI in case anybody else experiences the same
problem. I did not know the Disabled log was available and also found
a couple of Add-In DLL's that I had "lost." So great piece of info.

Q: I lost My Personal Macro Workbook. It is not open for Macro
Does anyone know where it may be? How to get it back?
A: On the Help menu click on About Microsoft Excel

Bob Phillips

VBA programmability is an option when installing Office 2007, it is not
selected by default. Try re-running Setup to see if it was installed



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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