"Type" statement and arrays



I am having difficulty getting a user defined data type to function
with arrays. What I would like to do is create a data type that is
comprised of four 1-D arrays. Then I would like to load the individual
arrays in another module so I can trasnfer all four arrays as a single
argument (the new data type) in a function. Here's what I have done so

In one module;

Option Base 1

Public Type PlotScalars

Xscalar(1 To 4) As Integer
Yscalar(1 To 4) As Integer
Zscalar(1 To 4) As Integer

End Type

In another module

Dim MyPlotScalars As PlotScalars

MyPlotScalars.Xscalar = Array(1, 0, 1, 1)
MyPlotScalars.Yscalar = Array(1, 1, 0, 1)
MyPlotScalars.Zscalar = Array(1, 1, 1, 0)

I get an error "Compile error: can't assign to array." I would prefer
not to have to load each element of the data type arrays one element at
a time. Is there an easy way around this?

My main motivation for doing this is to cut down on the number of
arguments passed to a user defined function (which are limited to 30).




Try it like this:

Public Type PlotScalars

Xscalar As Variant
Yscalar As Variant
Zscalar As Variant

End Type

Sub xx()
Dim MyPlotScalars As PlotScalars

MyPlotScalars.Xscalar = Array(1, 0, 1, 1)
MyPlotScalars.Yscalar = Array(1, 1, 0, 1)
MyPlotScalars.Zscalar = Array(1, 1, 1, 0)
End Sub

Then you can refer to the indivisual elements of each member as follows:


The assignment must be in block ie. not by element of member

Myrna Larson

When you use the ARRAY statement, the variable on the left side of the
assignment statement must be a VARIANT, and you end up with a VARIANT
containing an array, i.e. TypeName returns Variant(). Even though you access
the elements of this array with syntax identical to what you use with a
"normal" array (created with Dim X() As Integer, etc), they are not the same
data type.

And even though the elements of that array contain integers, they are in fact
stored as variants.

If you want to use the TYPE definition that you posted, then in the other sub
you must write

Dim x(1 to 4) AS Integer
X(1) = 1
X(2) = 0
X(3) = 1
X(4) = 1
MyPlotScalers.XScalar = X()

then repeat the 4 assignment statements for the next set of values. i.e. you
have to assign the values the "old fashioned" way, with a loop, not with an
Array statement.

The less painful "fix" is to change the type statement to make the 3 arrays
variants, as the other responder suggests, i.e.

Public Type PlotScalars
Xscalar As Variant
Yscalar As Variant
Zscalar As Variant
End Type

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