Two Questions: Printing and Unhide Toolbar



1st Question:
Users in my department are sharing the same database but using
different network printers. What setting do I need to set up so that
all users can print from their own default printer? Someone was
trying to print by clicking the print button, but the report came out
from my default printer..

2nd Question:
I hid the toolbar and Menu bar previously under the "Startup" option.
I tried to unhide it recently, however, I was only able to unhide them
from my workstation; other users are still unable to see the do I unhide it so that everyone using the database can
see them?

Thanks a bunch!


Albert D. Kallal

1st Question:
Users in my department are sharing the same database but using
different network printers.

By sharing, do you mean they each have their own copy, or is this actually a
shared application on a network drive?
What setting do I need to set up so that
all users can print from their own default printer? Someone was
trying to print by clicking the print button, but the report came out
from my default printer..

The normal case is that all reports do in fact go to the default printer.
The above likely means that while in design mode for the report, you used

All settings for a report are in fact saved when you use the above "page
setup". If you look closely, you can also save (force) what printer the
report will go to. My best guess is that this is what happened here. You
want to make sure that you set the report to simply use the "default"

In addition, if this is in fact a multi-user application, then you really
need to split the database into two parts. The data mdb part simply is
placed on the shared drive, and then you distribute a mdb (preferably a mde)
front end part to each user. I mean, if one users plays with the reports
settings..then all users can be messed up. If each user gets a copy of the
application..then this mess can't happen.
2nd Question:
I hid the toolbar and Menu bar previously under the "Startup" option.
I tried to unhide it recently, however, I was only able to unhide them
from my workstation; other users are still unable to see the do I unhide it so that everyone using the database can
see them?

Hum, it is not clear what tool/menu bar you hid. The general approach here
is to build your own custom menu bar, and then set that as the menu bar in
the tools->startup. That way, when users launch the application, they don't
see ANY of the ms-access interface. After all, you can't expect end users to
be developers..and deal with the zillions of menus and options that
ms-access has. So, the best approach here is to build your own nice
interface, and then hide the ms-access part to your users. This approach
also keeps them out of design mode etc, and thus they can't damage the
application, or delete forms etc by accident. Further, distribution a front
end to each user would also solve the problems of hiding/un-hiding menus
etc. You need to use all the menus etc for development purposes..but then
right before you distribute the application to your then hide all
of the ms-access stuff..and set the application to startup with your custom
menu, or custom switchboard interface. And, with a split data base, you are
then free to work and develop the next great version, or simply work on a
new form, or new report while all uses safely work happily away on the
existing version.

You can read about splitting here:

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