'Turning on' automatic name checking and completion??



Does anyone know how to get this function to work.

I see alot of info on how to disable it, but nothing on how to get it to

In the Advanced Email options I have these to items checked:
1) Automatic Name Checking
2) Suggest names while completing To, CC, and BCC F fields.

But when I start typing a name or email address it does not search.

I have used the 'detect & repair' option on outlook and tried it on a clean
outlook install and still nothing.

Any Suggestions?

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Sounds like normal behavior to me.
"Suggest Names" works while you type, but only uses data from messages you
have already sent. You haven't sent any yet.
"Automatic Name checking" does not work while you're typing. You must invoke
it from the Toolbar or Ctrl-K.

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