Turn Off Text To Columns



I did the following:

1. copied data from a text file
2. pasted it into column A in EXCEL 2003
3. used DATA/TEXT TO COLUMNS to parse it into multiple columns

It all worked fine.

I then went to past additional data in and EXCEL immediately converted it
into multiple columns using the TEXT TO COLUMNS criteria. Nice feature, but
that is not what I wanted to do. How can I shut this off?

Niek Otten

..csv files and .txt files behave differently. Rename them to the type that
meets your requirements.

Dave Peterson

Excel likes to help by remembering the parms you used when you ran data|text to

One way around it is to close excel and reopen it (yech!).

Another way is to select an unused cell
put some dummy data in that cell
data|text to columns
delimited, but uncheck each option
finish up that wizard
clean up the cell.

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