TSE and Windows 98



I have a domain with a Windows NT4 server and 3 workstations with Windows 98

I install a Windows 2000 server as a new domain controler. I install TSE on
it with 10 licences.

Everything works.

I install 4 workstations that had Windows XP PRO on it.
I could connect to Windows 2000 Terminal Services with no problem.

I install 2 workstations that had Windows 98 SE on it.
I could connect to Windows 2000 Terminal Services with no problem.

But with the 3 old Windiws 98 workstations I cannot access the terminal
services: I have the message: "Your server must be to busy... try to connect

What do I have to do to get this to work???

Thanks in advance


[email protected]
Cible98 <[email protected]> a écrit:

|| I have a domain with a Windows NT4 server and 3 workstations with
|| Windows 98 SE.
|| I install a Windows 2000 server as a new domain controler. I install
|| TSE on it with 10 licences.
|| Everything works.
|| I install 4 workstations that had Windows XP PRO on it.
|| I could connect to Windows 2000 Terminal Services with no problem.
|| I install 2 workstations that had Windows 98 SE on it.
|| I could connect to Windows 2000 Terminal Services with no problem.
|| But with the 3 old Windiws 98 workstations I cannot access the
|| terminal services: I have the message: "Your server must be to
|| busy... try to connect after..."
|| What do I have to do to get this to work???
|| Thanks in advance
Arrêtes d'arroser partout !!!!
Plusieurs réponses t'ont été donné quel en a été le résultat ?
cela ne sert à rien de publiposté partout !

Sorry but this user is posting every where in french newsgroup the same
question, we have giving him some answer, like try to connect with the IP
adress of The TSE and he did not tell us what happen after ...


** Newsgroup dédiés aux services TSE
Eric Perromat [MVP Windows Server - Terminal Server]
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Abhijeet Nigam [MSFT]

With this amount of information I am unable to figure out the actual
I would recommend to first run windows update on the windows 98
Please tell me one thing that are these windows 98 machine are windows 98
or windows 98 SE
If they are windows 98 then upgrade them to windows 98 SE
Install RDP5.2 client on the machines and then try to connect

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