TS clients cold disconnect and cannot connect back



It has happened that TS client disconnects from his
session(ie: power faillure) and Terminal services will
not allow re-connection, message The client could not....

I tried net stop termsrv.exe but not go and we are not
allowed to stop/start services??? Aside from a re-boot
is their a way to fix this?


Vera Noest [MVP]

That you can't stop or restart the terminal service is by design:
278657 - Terminal Services Cannot Be Manipulated

When a user is ungracefully disconnected from a session, reconnect
usually doesn't work, as you have noticed.
You will have to reset the disconnected sessions.
This can be done from the console, from within another session (if
you still can gain access to the server), or remotely with tskill or

243202 - Windows 2000 Terminal Services Session Management Tools

I would configure a short time-out limit on disconnected sessions,
and have them reset automatically after the tiem-out, to prevent this
problem. This can be done in TS Connection Configuration or through a

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