Trying to run a program using a Queue.


Ty Moffett

I am trying to write a little app that will perform unattended installations
of various software packages. I have a text file, each line is a string
containing the complete command to start a silent/unattended install. I
have successfully read the entire file and each line gets added to the
queue. On this line "myProcess.StartInfo.FileName(myQ.Dequeue)" i get an
error: C:\Documents and Settings\tmoffett\My Documents\Visual Studio
Projects\HandsOff\Module1.vb(36): Property access must assign to the
property or use its value.

Is there a better way to go about this?

Thanks in advance.

Imports Microsoft.Win32

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports System.Collections

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Object

' Run the program

' read the first command from the queue

' run the command

' remove the item from the queue

' set automatic login information

' reboot

' rerun the program until the queue is empty

Module HandsOff

Public Sub main()

Dim fs As New FileStream("c:\HandsOff.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)

Dim sr As New StreamReader(fs)

Dim line As String

line = sr.ReadLine()

Dim myQ As New Queue

Do Until line = Nothing


line = sr.ReadLine


' Displays the properties and values of the Queue.


Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "Count: {0}", myQ.Count)

Console.Write(ControlChars.Tab + "Values:")


Do While myQ.Count > 0

Dim myProcess As New Process




'Registry hacks to enable automatic logon upon reboot


'Registry hacks to enable this program to start upon logon.


'Reboot the computer.

Shell("shutdown.exe -r -f -t 05")


'Registry hacks to disable automatic logon upon reboot.


End Sub

Fergus Cooney

Hi Ty,


StartInfo.FileName is a Property as mentioned in the error message. This
means that its like a variable and must be used as such (use its value
somewhere or set it).

The line above is simlar to this:
Dim sYourName
sYourName ("Ty")

I'm sure, looking at this with an ordinary string, you can see that it's
wrong and should be:
sYourName = "Ty"

Simlarly you need:
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = myQ.Dequeue


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