Trying to link a table to a table already linked


Larry Linson

Antney said:
Is it possible to link a table to another linked table?

Your question is not clear to me...

If you mean, in Database A, I have linked to Table X in Database C; and can
I also link, in Database B, to Table X in Database C.

If you mean, in Database X, I have linked Table A to Table B, in Database W,
and can I also, in Database Y, link to Table A in Database X to reach the
data in Table B in Database W -- I have never had occasion to need to do
this (always been able to link directly to the table containing the data).
BUT, it is trival to create three test databases and TRY it. When you do,
it might be helpful to others if you'd come back here and report the
results. Surely, I can do that, but, surely, you can do the same.

If neither of these is what you are asking, please clarify, and perhaps
someone can offer a helpful suggestion.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

Gina Whipp


If you are trying to link to a table table already linked to another table
then one link will have to go. You can only link one table at a time. You
should also note, you can't link an already linked table as the linked table
is kinda like a shadow of the real table. If that is not the answer you
were looking for you might want to provide more details.



Yes, that was the answer I was looking for. I am trying to create front-end
and back-end databases but my back-end's tables are linked tables. I was
wondering if I could link my front-end's tables to the back-end's tables. I
looked at another website and it said it couldn't be done.

Thank you!

Gina Whipp


Okay, what you just said is confusing me. The back-end is suppose to
contain the tables and the front end the linked tables. If that is not how
you have it set up then you need to fix that. You can link multiple front
ends to a single back end and it sounds like that is what you want to do.



I'm sorry, I should have explained it better.

The back-end tables are linked to a SQL Server so I can't link the front-end
tables to them.

Thanks again!



I think I might have found the answer. In my front-end, instead of trying to
link, I just imported the back-end's linked tables, remember the back-end's
linked tables are linked to a SQL Server. When I imported, they came in as
linked tables. I ran a test to see if I updated the back-end if the front-end
would update also and it did. I think this is it unless you know of any
downsides or problems with this concept.


Gina Whipp


I frequently link to a SQL Server, there is no downside that I am aware of.

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