Trying to connect to the internet



I bought an HP Pavilion pc the other day and I'm trying to download the
software from SBC Yahoo so I can get on the internet. I was able to
download the software yesterday without any problems and I was online.
This morning the computer wouldn't startup correctly (I don't remember
what exactly what was going on) but I ended up reinstalling the XP
operating system and the drivers from the cd's you get with the
computer. I even had a tech at HP help me do this. Now, everything is
ok with XP but when I try to install the SBC Yahoo cd to load the
program so I can get online I get this error message:

Setup has detected that a previous application did not successfully
complete a required system restart. Before installing this application
you must first complete this system restart.

When I first got the compuer I deleted some icons that had to do with
AOL and other internet options and now I don't have them even after
reinstalling the XP operating system. I'm thinking that might have
something to do with it. I don't know what to do. I'm a novice on
computers. Can anyone help me fix this problem? Thank you.



Hi Dave,

It'll probably be a lot faster to contact HP and SBC to get running
rather than posting here. Since you paid those folks, some may assume
they owe you a working machine.


Jim Self
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