trouble with security update



I was able to update one Intel x86 XP pro without problem. Unfortunately,
when I started updating another XP pro on AMD Athlon 64, the update got
stuck at preparing to download and install 1 of.... forever.

Has anyone got any idea to get around it?


You could try disabling your antivirus software. Some have been known to stop
the update process like this. If this proves to be the case go to the
anitvirus website and see its support section for a possible patch/fix.



I got a bigger problem.

I installed MBSA 2 and did a scan, find out the catalog files were
corrupted! So I tried
%windir%\\system32\sfc /scannow
I got told I must run from console as administrator. and I was .

All Things Mopar

Today jg commented courteously on the subject at hand
I was able to update one Intel x86 XP pro without problem.
Unfortunately, when I started updating another XP pro on
AMD Athlon 64, the update got stuck at preparing to
download and install 1 of.... forever.
When I gave Bill permission to download the update I got late
this afternoon, no-thing happened after that. So, I just found
it in the MS KB and manually downloaded it from the Update
Center. Take a look for the one you can't get, it is there.


but I have two problems:
-I found out the catalogue has been corrupted, so I tried to recover or
fix using SFC /scannow
that failed completely and told me I must run as admin from console -
yet I was
- I have not got any KB to install!

I believe the Xp is corrupted in a number of ways from that failed security
update. It is so bad that it won't even shutdown properly except by the
shutdown button at the front of the PC.


Finally made some progress. writing the last post got me thinking. I cold
start PC and made the Asus A8N-vm CSM to show post messages. Voila, a
degraded raid member. Fix that, reboot, I am able to sfc right now.

hopefully that will be all the problem I had to deal with the failed

Moral of the story, make sure the BIOS always show post messages even if
that means delaying the boot process. Save a lot of grief and time in the
long run

All Things Mopar

Today jg commented courteously on the subject at hand
but I have two problems:
-I found out the catalogue has been corrupted, so I
tried to recover or
fix using SFC /scannow
that failed completely and told me I must run as admin
from console -
yet I was
- I have not got any KB to install!

I believe the Xp is corrupted in a number of ways from that
failed security update. It is so bad that it won't even
shutdown properly except by the shutdown button at the
front of the PC.

Wow, sorry to hear that. I'm afraid you have much bigger fish
to fry than worrying about some silly security patch you may

All Things Mopar

Today jg commented courteously on the subject at hand
Finally made some progress. writing the last post got me
thinking. I cold start PC and made the Asus A8N-vm CSM to
show post messages. Voila, a degraded raid member. Fix
that, reboot, I am able to sfc right now.

Whew! An easy fix, I'm glad for you.
hopefully that will be all the problem I had to deal with
the failed update.

Moral of the story, make sure the BIOS always show post
messages even if that means delaying the boot process.
Save a lot of grief and time in the long run
Why would you ever have turned POST off in the first place? Yes,
it makes for a messy looking bootup, but so what? I just
restart/cold start and sit back & relax whilst watching the
messages go by. Then, I relax even longer while Windoze SP2 S-L-
O-W-L-Y loads my account, including a number of utilites and
apps I have in the Starup folder.

Also, occasionally, I'll turn on a Hot CPU 4 test run overnight
to see if my hardware is OK, mainly all 4 gig of my memory. But,
as you said, hindsight is always 20/20.

Remember a couple of good sayings - always obey the 6 P
Principle, "Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance", and
"the time to turn on POST and do backups is /before/ you next
disaster, not after."

Good luck!


in this continued saga, unfortunately, I still can't apply update
secured website surfing is no longer a problem. neither is running signed
application. I had to go through a long list of deleting/renaming some
catalog files,re-registering dlls to get rid of that. Re article on damaged
windows catalog

problems I am still facing: are
- hung update at the installation status of "Downloading Security Update
for Windows XP (KB911927) (update 1 of 4)... "
and preparing for download progress bar of about somewhere between 1/5 to
1/4 complete.
- integrity of update.inf can't be verified when I tried to bypass the
security update and install directly the corresponding KBs.downloaded

Please help

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