Trouble sending emails



I am recieving emails, but every time I try to send one I get an error
message saying, "The server does not support the required HTTP methods. Ther
server responded 'Not Implemented'." I have no idea wht that means or what I
need to change. Help!

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

I am recieving emails, but every time I try to send one I get an error
message saying, "The server does not support the required HTTP methods. Ther
server responded 'Not Implemented'." I have no idea wht that means or what I
need to change. Help!

What version of Outlook do you have? I assume that you've set up an HTTP
account to either Hotmail or MSN - is that the case?


I set up a msn account, but that is not the default account. In fact, the msn
account isn't anywhere on the outlook profile - I just opened now to ask
these quesions online.... Will an account not work as a http? What
kind of email is it then? Sorry if that's a dumb question- this is all greek
to me....
Also, where can I find out which outlook I have? I have Windows 2000 and
when I look at the oulook properties it doesn't give a year...
Thank you very much for taking the time to help me...

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

You'll find your version information in Help -> About Microsoft Outlook...

No, does not support HTTP mail accounts - only Hotmail and MSN do.
You'll want to use a POP3 account for - they should have provided
you with the information you'll need to fill in when you create that


Thanks - so do you know where to find my server information - the 'incoming
server (POP3) and the outgoing server (SMTP)'?
FYI - I have Outlook 2002.


Hi again-
I figured it out! Yeah! Thank you soooo much for your help. Do you work for
Microsoft? Please email me at (e-mail address removed) so I can maybe use you in the
future??? :) You have no idea how nice it is to have your help - I was lost.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Hi again-
I figured it out! Yeah! Thank you soooo much for your help. Do you work for
Microsoft? Please email me at (e-mail address removed) so I can maybe use you in the
future??? :) You have no idea how nice it is to have your help - I was lost.

I'm glad you got things straightened out. Yes, I work for Microsoft - I'm
one of the folks that writes Outlook code. For future problems, you're
much better off posting to this group (actually
microsoft.public.outlook.general is preferable) - the collective knowledge
of the people that monitor these groups is much greater than that of any
one person...

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