Trouble Saving Documents


R. McCarty

Clean up the Users "Temp" folder. Files beginning with the Tilde symbol
are temp or workspace files and are not intended to be opened. Once
the editor is closed those workspace files should go away. In fact it's a
good idea to do a Global search for ~ files and remove all found.

R. McCarty

Correction - on Globally removing Tilde files - ONLY the ones that
begin with the Tilde should be removed. - Apologies on that potential
bad piece of advice.


Here is my situation:

My company is having problems with users saving Word documents. The
save documents exactly how you are supposed to, however sometimes Word
will simply save it as an incomplete document or a temp file. For
instance, say I save a Word document as test020406. It will end up
looking like this when I go to open it: ~$st020406

What the hell does the ~$ mean??? And, why isn't it saving correctly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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