Trouble installing on Intel D865PERL mb



Trying to perform a "repair" install after replacing MB/CPU/Memory. During
Installing Windows phase (Installing Devices) about 2/3 way through the
screen goes blank for a moment then comes back. Then after another couple of
minutes the system reboots - only to restart the install and repeat the
scenario (rebooting).
I just picked up the latest BIOS for this board the problem is still
MB Intel D865PERL
CPU: P4 2.60C (supports hyper threading)
Memory: pair of PNY 512 MB 2700

Anyone else using this board with WinXP?


Ron Rector


Restart setup. As soon ans it says "Installing Devices"
hit shift and F10 at the same time(Do not do this step
until it says installing devices). This will produce a DOS
prompt. In the DOS prompt type in taskmgr and hit enter.
This will open TaskManager. In taskmanager, go to the
processes tab and end all svchosts processes.
Once you do this exit taskmanager and close the dos prompt.
(You will have to be quick with the steps above).

Now the fun begins. IT will prompt you to install each
piece of hardware on the machine. Say yes to all until you
get to the one that reboots the machine. Make a note of
which one rebooted the machine.
Now do the steps mentioned above again. Restart setup and
Now when you get to the one that reboots the machine say
NO to install it. This will get you by it but you will
have to deal with it once you get windows back up and
running. Most likely a chip or an onboard device giving
you the trouble.

Dale S

Using a D865PERLK in XP as we "speak". First thought,
what is your hard disk drive configuration? If using
SATA, are you in RAID or Non-RAID mode? If using SATA,
do you have the latest drivers for the mode you are
using? You must use the manual mass storage device
loading procedure if using SATA drives (hit the "F6" key
as soon as the message "Windows is examining your
hardware" appears at the top of the screen). If you wait
for the bottom line prompt, there are several drivers
that load in the background that can interfere with newer
mass storage controllers.

Second, do you have the memory timings in BIOS set
to "Auto" or "User Defined"? If the latter, change
to "Auto".

Turn off BIOS ROM scan for all devices that you do not
intend to use as boot devices, most commonly the network
card. Set AGP memory aperture to 64MB (you can always
change it back later). Turn off "Rapid BIOS Boot".

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