TROLL -- Definition


D. Spencer Hines

TROLL, noun, often used as an acerbic, puerile, exclamatory insult -- a
knee-jerk _ad hominem_ often employed in a feeble effort to discredit
another poster because one has been flummoxed, proven to be wrong, ignorant
or just congenitally stupid or incompetent.

The knee-jerk _ad hominem_ acerbic, puerile, exclamatory insult TROLL rarely
has any practical effect and can be considered a form of farblondjet,
flustered, frustrated spleen-venting by the person who employs it.

'Nuff Said


Lux et Veritas et Libertas

Veni, Vidi, Calcitravi Asinum

Adam Albright

TROLL, noun, often used as an acerbic, puerile, exclamatory insult -- a
knee-jerk _ad hominem_ often employed in a feeble effort to discredit
another poster because one has been flummoxed, proven to be wrong, ignorant
or just congenitally stupid or incompetent.

The knee-jerk _ad hominem_ acerbic, puerile, exclamatory insult TROLL rarely
has any practical effect and can be considered a form of farblondjet,
flustered, frustrated spleen-venting by the person who employs it.

'Nuff Said


Lux et Veritas et Libertas

Veni, Vidi, Calcitravi Asinum

You know you can get treatment for projecting, a mental disorder.


Adam Albright said:
They're talking about you Justin.

Haha, this loser can't even follow along. How lame! The sad part is, it
took spencer to get you motivated.

Come on adam, give us more of your troll garbage!


Adam Albright said:
Again you prove to be a total moron. You obviously don't know how to
use Google either. Do you wipe your own rear end?

If that's the position you choose to stick with then I guess there isn't
much more to say. Other then...Troll on, adam, troll on!

D. Spencer Hines

When called out and told to stand and deliver, the trolls themselves have
nothing but weak, fumbling _tu quoques_ to fall back on and attempt to use
as rhetorical counter arguments.

Par for the course.


TROLL, noun, often used as an acerbic, puerile, exclamatory insult -- a
knee-jerk _ad hominem_ often employed in a feeble effort to discredit
another poster because one has been flummoxed, proven to be wrong, ignorant
or just congenitally stupid or incompetent.

The knee-jerk _ad hominem_ acerbic, puerile, exclamatory insult TROLL rarely
has any practical effect and can be considered a form of farblondjet,
flustered, frustrated spleen-venting by the person who employs it -- who
often is thereby starkly revealed as a member of the unwashed poguenoscenti,
as well as rhetorically and scriptorially challenged.

'Nuff Said


Lux et Veritas et Libertas

Exitus Acta Probat

Veni, Vidi, Calcitravi Asinum


There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about,
and that is not being talked about."


peter said:
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about,
and that is not being talked about."

"It's much better to be looked over than overlooked, honey."

- Mae West



Today, D. Spencer Hines made these interesting comments ...
When called out and told to stand and deliver, the trolls
themselves have nothing but weak, fumbling _tu quoques_ to
fall back on and attempt to use as rhetorical counter

Par for the course.


TROLL, noun, often used as an acerbic, puerile, exclamatory
insult -- a knee-jerk _ad hominem_ often employed in a feeble
effort to discredit another poster because one has been
flummoxed, proven to be wrong, ignorant or just congenitally
stupid or incompetent.

The knee-jerk _ad hominem_ acerbic, puerile, exclamatory
insult TROLL rarely has any practical effect and can be
considered a form of farblondjet, flustered, frustrated
spleen-venting by the person who employs it -- who often is
thereby starkly revealed as a member of the unwashed
poguenoscenti, as well as rhetorically and scriptorially

'Nuff Said


Lux et Veritas et Libertas

Exitus Acta Probat

Veni, Vidi, Calcitravi Asinum
you have been discovered, a troll by any other name is still a
troll - one who is a he/she/it that takes pleasure in providing
no value but just smoke and flames and believes in his god-given
right to incite to riot wherever he/she/it goes. troll on!


D S Hines... how the hell are ya? Do you remeber our last conversation? Do I
have to give you another verbal slapping?

You disappeared for quite some time after I was through with you... would
you like to have another chat?


Mental illness: the term that refers collectively to all mental disorders.
Mental disorders are health conditions that are characterized by alterations
in thinking, mood or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with
distress and/or impaired functioning.


Mental disorders defined....Laugh my ass off. I think Richard wins here. DS
Hines has worked years fine tuning his ailment I dont know if I should laugh
or feel sorry for him.

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