Trigger Button1_ServerClick event from a popup form...



I allow users to click a datagrid row and it spawns another browser page to
allow edits to the data in that row. Once they update the data, it is
committed to the database and the form is closed. Once the edit page is
closed, I need to trigger the search button click event in order to refresh
the datagrid with the original search criteria. I cannot figure out how to
trigger the Button1_ServerClick event of the main page from the called popup
page before I close the popup page. I tried to use a delegate but the
calling page is referenced via a hyperlink and I cannot trap the event that
calls the page to get a handle before the page is loaded. I hope this makes
sense. Regardless, trying to keep it simple. How do you trigger an event
on one form from another form.

Thanks in advance.


Wow, either this is too complex to answer or I didn't make any sense in my
question. Still hoping some sharp developer out there can help me with this

Thanks in advance.

Cor Ligthert

Hi Rmorvay,
Wow, either this is too complex to answer or I didn't make any sense in my
question. Still hoping some sharp developer out there can help me with this

Probably because you ask this in a general language vb newsgroup while there
is for the datagrid a special newsgroup where people more
specialized in that are active


I hope you find your solution maybe there?


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