Treeview with calendarNodes

  • Thread starter Joerg Trumpfheller
  • Start date

Joerg Trumpfheller

Hy there,

is it possible to create dynamically calendarnodes within a treeview.
The first node (root) should be the year. Belonging to this the second node
should be the months.
The third node should be the weeks.

Is this possible or have I build it up static?


Cor Ligthert


I see that this is unanswered while the answer should for this that it is
not difficult.

Making a sample from this is however the same as making the program.

Your biggest problem to overcome is to find the week (using the setting of
the first day of week). The rest should be easy in my opinion using a date
and this snippets of code

Dim d As DateTime = New Date(Now.Year, 1, 1)
'and than loop with the code beneath through the year
d = d.AddDays(1)

When there is a change of the week you should make a week tree, when there
is a change of the month etc etc.

I hope this helps something?


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