Treeview Focus problem



I have a problem with MyTreeview.selectedNode = MyNode. I have a large tree
and sometimes the selected node ends up out side the viewed area and I have
to scroll to find it. Is there a way I can program the selected node to
always be visible?

Claes Bergefall

Hmm, maybe I'm misunderstanding what you want to do
Could you explain in more detail please

If all you want to do is ensure that your newly selected
node becomes visible in the tree (from a position above/below
the visible area) EnsureVisible should work. In what
direction are you scrolling when you do it manually?
Are we talking about horizontal scrolling perhaps? If so,
EnsureVisible won't help. You'll need P/Invoke and
SetScrollPos for that



I have not even found any horizontal scroll bars.
I have a problem with vertical scrolling. EnsureVisible does not work. I
have more than 100,00 items in my treeview.

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