Transparent icon title?



I've tried to make the icon titles on my desktop to be
transparent. someone told me to click start, right click
my computer, click properties, click advanced, and under
performance click settings and check the "use drop
shadows for icon lables on desktop". Well, i've tried
that many times and it just doesn't work. If anyone has
any hints that would be great!!

Sharon F

I've tried to make the icon titles on my desktop to be
transparent. someone told me to click start, right click
my computer, click properties, click advanced, and under
performance click settings and check the "use drop
shadows for icon lables on desktop". Well, i've tried
that many times and it just doesn't work. If anyone has
any hints that would be great!!

Right click the desktop. Select Arrange Icons By and click to remove check
next to "Lock web items on desktop."


-----Original Message-----

Right click the desktop. Select Arrange Icons By and click to remove check
next to "Lock web items on desktop."

Sharon F
MS-MVP - Windows XP Shell/User
I've tried that at it doesn't do a thing!

Black Baptist

mkd rambled on in microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize:
I've tried to make the icon titles on my desktop to be
transparent. someone told me to click start, right click
my computer, click properties, click advanced, and under
performance click settings and check the "use drop
shadows for icon lables on desktop". Well, i've tried
that many times and it just doesn't work. If anyone has
any hints that would be great!!

Right click the icon and select rename remove what's there by hitting the
back arrow then hold down your alt key and hit 0160 on your number pad keys.

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