translate vb.NET in C#

  • Thread starter Thread starter Franky
  • Start date Start date


have some problem in translate the last row of this class this class:

Public Delegate Sub UIUpdate(ByVal args() As Object)
Public Class Invoker

Private _control As Control
Private _uiUpdate As UIUpdate
Private _args() As Object

Public Sub New(ByVal c As Control)
' store the control that is to run the method on its thread
_control = c
End Sub

Public Sub Invoke(ByVal UIDelegate As UIUpdate, _
ByVal ParamArray args() As Object)
' called by the client and passed the delgate that
' points to the method to run
' as well as the arguments
_args = args
_uiUpdate = UIDelegate
_control.Invoke(New EventHandler(AddressOf _invoke))
End Sub

Private Sub _invoke(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' this is now running on the same thread as the control
' so freely call the delegate
_uiUpdate.Invoke(_args) ' <== THIS LINE IS MY PROBLEMS
End Sub

End Class

Can someone can help me please?!

What's the problem? An error message would be help.

From what I can tell, Invoke takes 2 parameters and you are only passing 1.

Brian W
I run in .Net Compact Framework and the Invoke method take only one
parameter so i want to create my class for pass 2 params.

the error message a got is ((34): Invoke cannot be called directly on a