TransferSpreadsheet puts ' in cells


Crystal Powell

I am haveing a serious problem using transferSpreadsheet
in Access 2002 every time i use it to export to excel it
puts ' in the cells in excel. No other export method does
this but the query has so many records that I can't use
any other export method to dump it. Any suggestions on how
to get rid of the '(single quotes).

Ken Snell

Are the ' characters at the beginning of all-numeric values that are in text
format? If so, this is just how EXCEL "knows" that the number is not a
number but is text. It shouldn't affect your work at all.


Thanks for replying, It appears to be in fromat of almost
every field and does not allow to poperly sort or perform
calculations. You can't see the ' mark when looking at the
spreadsheet but if you click on a cell it appears at the
top of the screen cell definition.

John Nurick

Hi Crystal and Ken,

Usually you can get rid of it with a little VBA.

Put something like this into a module:

Sub FixApostrophes()
Dim C As Range
For Each C In Selection.Cells
C.Formula = C.Formula
End Sub

select the cells in question, and then go to Tools|Macros and run

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