Transferring a .pst from old computer to new computer, ERROR



I am trying to transfer a .pst file from my work computer (OL 2000) to my
home computer (OL 2003). I am getting an error that says "File access is
denied. you don't have permission to access the file

I want to set up a new .pst file on my home computer and upload all of my
e-mail and contacts to it. I need the contacts, any help would be greatly


BillR [MVP]

ensure the PST does not have the read-only attribute set. It will have that
set if you burnt it to a CD.



When I right click and go into properties. Read only is checked. When I
uncheck and hit apply it says "access is denied" and won't let me do this.
Is there a way around it?


BillR [MVP]

The file is on your hard rive when you try this?
It could be a fn of NT/XP permssions.
What operating system did you have it on before and what is it on now?


It was on NT 2000, my work computer. I may be able to get access to the file
again. Any tips on how to save it next time so I don't have these issues
again if this current issue can't be solved?


BillR [MVP]

I thought that when you burnt the file to a CD the permissions went. I"m not
sure since I haven't looked into this sort of issue. Someone in a Windows
2000 Newsgroup might be able to help. The only issue we seem to have when
burnt to a CD then copied over is with read-only.
Possibly, copy the PST to a location that gives access by anyone, check the
permissions and then back it up.

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