Transfering workbooks between computers



This question really involves both Windows XP professional and Excel 2007,
each of which I have installed on my laptop and desktop.

Let’s say that I have a cell in an Excel workbook A linked to a cell in
Excel workbook B. Let’s also say that the two workbook files were created on
my desktop, and that I copy them over to my laptop, which is registered in a
different name. Is it correct that the link between the two cells will now be
broken because the directory paths created by the Windows XP registration are
not exactly the same?

One option is, when workbook A is opened on the laptop, to edit the link by
“changing the source†to the laptop address for workbook B. As I will be
frequently keeping my desktop and laptop in sync, and I have hundreds of
excel files with links, this is not a practical solution, since I would have
to edit the links each time I copied from the desktop to the laptop, or vice

As for Windows XP, I believe that I could:
1) Create a second user account on my laptop with the same name as the
user account on my desktop and copy over the user settings from the first
user account on my laptop.
2) Do (1) but also delete the first user account.
3) Reinstall Windows XP on my laptop and reregister, this time with
the same user name as that of my desktop.

What are the pros and cons of each of these methods?

Any help on this problem is greatly appreciated,


Not testing with Excel 2007, but on earlier versions if I keep linked files
in the same folder, the formula reference will not contains the full path. So
you should be able to move them back and forth without breaking them as long
as you keep the files together in the same folder.

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