Transfer Address to New Computer



How can I transfer e-mail addresses from my old computer
to my new computer? I was using Outlook Express 5 and
Windows 98 on the old machine and have Outlook 2000 and
Windows XP on the new machine. All the files from the
old machine are copied into the new machine, but I cannot
find where to copy the *.pst files (if that's what I'm
suppose to be doing) in the new Windows XP system.

Please don't tell me I have to retype all that

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

If you weren't using Outlook before, you have no files you can import into
Outlook now. You'd have to import into Outlook Express first, then you can
import from OE into Outlook.
Hopefully you researched how to back up and restore OE information before
you embarked on all this. If not, you'll have to ask in an OE group. This is
an OE problem.

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