Trackball Explorer loses program specific button mappings



I have a Microsoft Trackball Explorer and have programmed the buttons with a
default and a program-specific setting for Outlook.

Of late, Outlook keeps losing the mapping. When I launch Outlook, nine
times out of ten it picks up the program-specific settings, but it refuses to
maintain those associations. After a while, Outlook reverts to the default
program set. The only way to restore the Outlook program-specific settings
is to close Outlook and relaunch it.

And every now and then, even rebooting isn't a guaranteed cure. Relaunching
keeps the default set and I have to shut Outlook down again and restart it.

I have Intellipoint installed. I have sometimes seen this as a
conflict between programs. When I have SQL Query Analyzer running, Oulook
loses the program mappings and when I close it, Outlook gets the mappings
back. In this case, I don't have SQL Query Analyzer running.

Anybody have any thoughts?


I think I've tracked down the wayward application: Internet Explorer 7. I
have IE 7.0.5130.11 installed. When I launch IE 7, Outlook loses its button
mappings. Unlike with SQL Query Analyzer, closing IE 7 does not return
Outlook's mappings: It seems that IE 7 corrupts Intellipoint.


Rrhain said:
I have a Microsoft Trackball Explorer and have programmed the buttons with a
default and a program-specific setting for Outlook.

try going back to IP 5.4 or 5.5; the 6.x series seems to be a bit buggy,
esp w/ the older products. I've been using 5.4 for a long time now w/ no
issues, it is very solid. [5.5 is just 5.4 split-out into seperate 32-
and 64-bit versions.] Note: if you're using IntelliType too then you
should always install IT before IP - particularly important if the KB has
a scroll-wheel.

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