Track changes - author name A1 - no personalisation



Hope someone can help as this is driving me crazy. I use track changes a lot
for reviewing documents. Every so often a new document I am working on has
no personal information in it as to who made what comment and who made what
change. It just says A1, A2, A3 etc by each comment. When hovering on each
change it just says Author and the date. If a document has had a number of
exchanges from each side it becomes impossible to see who made what change.
This has even happened to occassional new documents created by me. To be
clear, its always associated with one particular document and its not
something that happens in the middle of reviewing a previously fine doc. Its
as if all personalisation has been removed from the agreement. I have had
many people trying to help me with this including our IT department, but to
no avail. Can anyone help please?


I forgot to say - that the author name does appear when you hover until I hit
save then all the personalisation disappears...thanks.

Jay Freedman

The likely cause is that, in Tools > Options > Security, the option "Remove
personal information from file properties on save" is checked.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Jay - thanks so much for your response. I am working in Word Professional
2007 so I don't think I have Tools - do you know how to do this in 2007?

Jay Freedman

Things are a bit different in 2007. To see what's there, click Office button
Word Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options. The
box is in the "Document-specific settings" group. There's a twist...

If the document was created in Word 2007, the option will be grayed out.
Hover the mouse over the option to see an explanation -- essentially, the
Document Inspector replaces the use of this option.

If the document was created in Word 2003 or earlier, and saved with that
option checked, then the option can be unchecked in Word 2007. But it won't
bring back the author information that was already lost; it'll just make
sure any later tracked changes don't lose the information.

Now, the tough one: if the document was created in Word 2007, but the option
is somehow checked _and_ grayed out, that says there's some kind of damage
to the document. I'm not sure how you could recover from that.

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