total value of multiple products



i have a payroll grid. it has 3 cells with drop downs that have 39 options.
there codes for payments. i need a fourth cell to show a total dollor amount
based of the codes selected.

separate question. i have a list of cells with the same four options (Job service call, new connect...) i want to limit the cells mentioned
before so that payment codes that do not pertain to the job type can not be

i dont know if that makes any sence, but if you have any questions please
email me at:

(e-mail address removed)


thanx bro that worked out if i can only get that first part to
work my payroll sheet will be you have any ideas on how to
get that work properly


"thanx bro that worked out if i can only get that first
part to
work my payroll sheet will be you have any ideas on
how to
get that work properly"...

Can you specify what you require.....


I have 3 cells in one row that show codes which represent what was done at a
job. each cell has the same 39 options(the drop downs you helpped me with) i
want each code to have a dollar value. (Ie. code 201=$20.00. i want a fourth
cell in the same row to total the value of the three cells. so a guy did 3
codes 201,202,203 = $50.00. but he may only do one or two codes also.


Dimon1200 said:
want each code to have a dollar value. (Ie. code 201=$20.00. i want a
cell in the same row to total the value of the three cells. so a guy
did 3
codes 201,202,203 = $50.00. but he may only do one or two codes also.

I'll just use these cell references for example purposes:
ok lets see if I got this correct
If A1=201 then 20
If B1=202 then 20
if C1 = 203 then 20
but if they are all showing then 50
if only two are sowing there values then 40
if one is showing there value then 20
is this correct?


No. there are 39 codes that each pay a different amount. code 201 pays 20,
but code 202 pays 15, code 203 pays 10(please note these are just example
amounts). I just used 50 as an example. it can be multiple totals. Ie.
A1=201(=20),B1=202(=25),C1=203(=10) etc... a tech will be able to do up to
three codes per job. i need a fourth cell that can give a total dollar value
base on the codes selected in those three cells.

I'll just use these cell references for example purposes:
ok lets see if I got this correct
If A1=201 then 20
If B1=202 then 20
if C1 = 203 then 20
but if they are all showing then 50
if only two are sowing there values then 40
if one is showing there value then 20
is this correct?


I almost have a great idea, we could use a lookup formula for this to
work, what do you think of that?!
give me some examples of codes and thier values, for each of the three
columns, :rolleyes:


201=20, 202=15, 203=10, 204=28, 205=35, 206=40, 207=45, 208=50. you will be
the man if you can get this to company just needs to give up and
pay for my excell course....ha ha ha

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