Top Shared Border - any way to have a Line Separator ??



Is there any way to have a black line separator between my Top shared
border and the main body of my pages - WITHOUT the dreaded "include
page" scenario ?? It's so easy with Frames:

<frameset rows="74,*" framespacing="1" border="1" frameborder="1">

I thought I could similarly add this syntax to my borders declaration:

<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="t, default">

I added "border=1" to it, but nothing happens.

I also tried using a Table but got the 24 pixel white space routine.

I also treid a gif of a black line at the bottom of Top.htm, but it is
not a very clean solution and does not extend all the way to the
left/right edges of the page.

Am I SOL ??

Thomas A. Rowe

Shared Borders: Your only option is to use a table with 2 rows in the top
shared border with the bottom row set to the color wanted with a transparent
GIF to hold the height of the line.

Else, design your pages with tables and use the FP Include Page component to
insert header, footer and navigation on your pages.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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