ToolBar help



Hi all!
I want to design a Toolbar with too this feature:
- Some buttons are on the most left edge and some other buttons are on the
most right edge!
How to do it?
Wait for your helps!


Hi Peter!
Thanks for your answer, but I think, if we set as separator then when resize
it will not be correct !?


Hi Peter!
I don't understand! The real problem as you wrote! If the width of the
separators will remain the same ---> the buttons on the most right edge will
not locate at correct place (then will not be on the most right edge).
Anyway, when I set button separator, it's width becomes Must I
set many buttons to reach to the right edge??? I feel not very optimally :))

Paul Wardle

Not tried this, but try creating two toolbars, both placed on a panel that
is docked to the top of your form.

Make the left toolbar anchored Left-Top-Right, the right toolbar anchored

Set the AutoSize property on the right toolbar to true.

Place the left aligned buttons on the left toolbar and the right-aligned
buttons on the right toolbar.

This should get the result that you want?

You may get strange results if the toolbars are wrappable and you have lots
of buttons but hope this is some help!

Paul Wardle

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