Toolbar DropDownMenu From Array



I want to Make DropDownMenu for toolbar(just like Back or forward buttons of
browser) takes its menuitems from Contextmenu filled with array of menuItems
I could not handle the event of clicking the menuItems because it is not
available to declare array withevents
can any one help to find alternative solution

Cor Ligthert


The only way AFAIK to use the toolbar is with buttons. However it fits very
good what you told just to use the toolbar.

Keep in mind that the toolbar is a special way of control, that has its
buttons inside it, which you only can handle with a case select inside the
events from the toolbar.

In my opinion is the simplest way to get the toolbar to drag a toolbar to
your form, open the properties and than choose for the Buttons, which is a
collection inside those properties. Than a special form opens to set your

I hope this helps,



Dear Cor
I already did what u mentioned
I inserted buttons of type dropDown
and choosed Contextmenu to represent the dropdown list
and I filled the Contextmenu from collection of menuItems
these menu items represents the history of browsed pages
Untill now it is ok , if the menuitems is separate variables,
It could be handled through the event
but i need the history to catch more than 20 Pages so
I made array of MenuItems to fill the contextmenu
and I want to handle the event when user click down the toolbarbutton and
choose item from the dropdown list appeared

Cor Ligthert


It seems that you are creating a special application. Normally I would
expect for browser history a combobox set to dropdownlist.

Can you show a piece of code what you do?


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