Toolbar Button as DropDown context menu


Dino Buljubasic


I have a toolbar with several buttons on it, one of which is set up to
be as a DropDown button. I also have a context menu with menu items
assigend to it so when I click that button, my context menu shows up.

I have 2 questions:

1) how do I find out which menu item was clicked so I can use my
Select Case statement to perform appropriate actions depending on menu
item clicked.

2) because a toolbar button that is a DropDown menu button looks kinda
like two buttons, one with title on it and one with the arrow down
(for drop down menu items) how to set a defalult menu item? (menu item
clicked when I click the button itself without clicking on arrow down
and then selecting a menu item)


Dino Buljubasic

I got this one :)
just add context menu and create handlers for each menu item like for
normal context menu

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