Too Many Sets of Personal Folders



I'm using Outlook 2003 and while trying to get the contents of an old .PST
file, I would up creating three sets of Personal Folders, all with the same
content. How do I get rid of two of them?

BillR [MVP]

Right-click on the root of that folder and choose "Close ...". You can also
remove them via Data File Management.


When I tried to open one of the PSTs through File, Open, Outlook Data file, I
would up with a fourth set of Personal Folders. This last one is the only
one that allows me to close the "root" folder. In the others the "close"
option is grayed out.


You most likely overwrote one .PST file with another and that tends to
corrupt a profile and create those "ghost" sets of Personal Folders. Start
over with a new mail profile (you can get to the profiles through Control
Panel | Mail) -- make sure you create it from scratch so it's error-free --
and connect your preferred .PST file to it.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Thank you for your reply. I had 3 sets of Personal Folders and I was able to
delete one set by going to Control Plane > Mail > Data Files. However, I
still have 2 sets of Personal Folders and there are no more Data Files
showing in the Control Panel > Mail > Data Files dialog box. I still see 2
locations for delivery of new emails, however, when I go to control plane >
mail > E-mail accounts. I need to get rid of one more set of ghost or
duplicate Personal Folders but can't see where to do it.

Brian Tillman

Loris said:
I'm using Outlook 2003 and while trying to get the contents of an old
.PST file, I would up creating three sets of Personal Folders, all
with the same content. How do I get rid of two of them?

Using Import, I suspect. Never import from a PST. It's unnecessary and can
cause exactly what you see. See if this helps:


Thank you Brian. That site was what I needed from the very beginning. My
problem is solved.

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