Tom Clancy's HAWX

May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone else played this?

I've been playing the demo quite regularly and it's great fun. Brilliant to see a recent combat flight sim. It's a little TOO arcade-esque for my liking (i.e. can't take off/land, lack of advanced control over the aircraft) but great fun none the less.

Considering buying a full copy.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I forgot about this. I d/l the demo recently and it slipped my mind.

Must try it soon.

I think I might like an arcadey flight sim. The only FS I've ever got on with has been MS FS X and I find that hard even on easy setting.

And I've tried a lot, couldn't get to grips with any.

I've been told a very old game, Crimson Skies, might suit me, anybody know anything about that one?
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah - i've got Crimson Skies - brilliant game if I remember, and I'm SURE the music from Crimson Skies is the same as FSX (Both of course, are MS)

It's very arcade style, fictional and not based on real planes. But brilliant fun - you launch out of a zepplin and fight high up in the sky. They should re-make it. You get to make your own aircraft too.

It's about 10 years old now - 2000 I think?

Flops - did you do the tutorials on FSX? They teach you a lot.

And try HAWX soon! The graphics are phenomenal - satellite imagery. As I said, it's just a shame that the physics of the planes aren't real, even if they are based on current aircraft.

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